There's nothing new about traveling to volunteer to help the underprivileged; it began with missionaries heading for remote and sometimes hostile places around the globe—predominantly spreading spiritual beliefs but also to 'feed and wash the poor.' Centuries later, it's not only the underprivileged needing help—it's planet Earth and all its creatures. Today, a few million people annually take off to far-flung countries—some say to assuage 'privileged white guilt.' Whatever the reason, voluntourism should be undertaken on an ethical basis.

If you are thinking of volunteering overseas, read the inspirational stories below:

1. Following Sunshine by Niamh McAnally

One woman's pursuit for validation. A memoir of inspiration channeling her journey from being divorced, homeless, and unemployed to a brave female on a global adventure of self-discovery and purposefulness through volunteering. A tale of finding where you fit in the world, of romance, of adventurous travel, and ultimately discovering a meaning to her life. The author, Niamh McAnally, has captured in words an honest and authentic portrayal of her journey from exotic destinations on land and at sea as she volunteers on conservation projects. It's a learning curve of cultures, turtle conservation, dolphin research, and coral reef protection around the South Pacific and Caribbean Island nations. Her dream of accomplishment and self-fulfillment is a feel-good tale that culminates in a love affair for a lifetime.

2. The Puma Years by Laura Coleman

A writer and activist, Laura Coleman, tells of her volunteering in the Amazon Jungle at a Bolivian wildlife sanctuary. A beautiful read with plenty of humorous anecdotes, it regales her taking the leap from quitting her job to backpack in Bolivia, from being directionless to having a connection with a wild animal, a puma named Wayra, that takes her breath away. Naïve and terrified, Laura blossoms as she ‘sheds her numb rubber suit’ of emotions amidst the chaos of the animal shelter where other devoted volunteers, animal whisperers, committed staff, plus the odd quirky individual are caring for over one hundred animals that have been rescued from the illegal animal trade—a parrot with cut wings wishing to fly, a naughty pig, and two bra-stealing suicidal monkeys that used to live in hotel rooms smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. All are broken and damaged at the hands of humans. Passionately written with descriptions that put you in the picture (sometimes you wish you weren't), it also reveals the devastation of deforestation, forest fires, and the ramifications of the illegal pet trade that makes you laugh and cry.

3. Bonobo Handshake by Vanessa Woods

A book overflowing with surprises where the author gives a different perspective on love and belonging. No, it's not a soap opera tale. The author, an Australian journalist and research scientist enamored with all things to do with chimpanzees, takes off to the war-ravaged Congo on a research mission into the endangered bonobo apes with a primatologist she barely knows. Eventually, she falls madly in love with him. A story stuffed with adventure and hope, she discovers that humans and chimpanzees have much in common apart from 98.7 percent of our DNA. The narrative is set in a sanctuary for orphaned infant and juvenile bonobos; a consequence of the illegal pet and bush meat trade. She discovers that bonobos live in a world of peace where the females are in charge, sex is as common as a smile, and they only trust women. There's plenty of knowledge given about the lives of bonobos that won’t bore you. Essentially, it's about understanding what makes us human from these pseudo-doppelgangers.

4. The Third Wave: A Volunteer Story by Alison Thompson

Lives are changed through volunteering, and this is a testament to that fact. Inspiring and a virtual roadmap for anyone inclined to help after massive disasters, Alison's story epitomizes the feel-good emotions of giving oneself to those in need. It's a glimpse into the life of a volunteer in dire conditions when love and time can make all the difference to those affected by a catastrophe. From the small acts of playing games with surviving children to hardening your resolve collecting bodies, it's a somewhat gut-wrenching account of putting others first and how such selfless acts can change your life. The account begins with disaster relief following 9/11, following her actions after the devastating tsunami that hit southern Asia in 2004, and her recent efforts in Haiti setting up a displaced-person camp. Uplifting and moving, every future volunteer should take the time to read this book.

5. The Voluntourist by Ken Budd

A read about one man's pursuit of overcoming grief, accepting one's fate, and finding a destiny that matters. Ken Budd's quest to be all he can be is found in an emotionally charged story of his life-changing journey. Written fluidly and entertainingly, it's honest, raw, and enlightening as he discovers that living for others is the ultimate gift one can give another and that it feeds your soul. He volunteers globally, from helping children with special needs in China to putting his heart on the line in a Middle East refugee camp. His writing carries a strong story of sacrifice and self-discovery from an everyday human who is a hero for many.

Gail Palethorpe, a self proclaimed Australian gypsy, is a freelance writer, photographer and eternal traveller. Check out her website Gail Palethorpe Photography and her Shutterstock profile.