You’ve watched your friends do it, read about it, and even been tempted to do it. But solo travel? Is it still a step too far? There’s a lot to weigh up in deciding to travel alone, but one thing it will do is make you resourceful. Still unsure? Here are some of the clinchers that other solo travellers and influencers have sworn by.


Being given complete freedom of movement and travel without being tied to a group is one of the most empowering feelings. Within reason and budget, you can go where you want, when you want and how you want without having to go through a committee to get to a decision that some may or may not like.

Go Where You Like

The best thing about solo travel is you can do it at your own pace. Single travel gives you opportunities to decide to go off the beaten track or explore places without the time constraints and other fellow travellers to consider. You can hang around in a cool place to chill out for a few days, or if you don’t like the look of it, hightail it out of there, and on to the next location.

Meet New Friends

Being able to meet and gel with new friends from different countries can bring enormous dividends. For one, if you are heading in the same direction, you could share the impact of the travel cost between you. But the ability to meet new friends, learn about their exploits and new locations, and go out as a group can be a real icebreaker and help build your self-confidence among strangers. And while being within a loose group, you can still head off on your own without fear of offending anyone.

Tackle Challenges With Confidence

If you are on a solo holiday, then you have already shown the resilience to be able to make decisions and stand on your own two feet. This will also permeate through to handling any challenges during your travels. Having the space to decide and reflect will also give you a better understanding of yourself, your self-awareness, and how effective your decision-making can be.

Trust Your Instincts

This focuses on believing in yourself. It helps with learning to stay safe, become more street-savvy, and to trust your instincts about whether something is worth risking or leaving well alone.


While some aspects of travel are on the high side for solo travellers, at least on your single trip, you have the power to decide how you spend your money. Whether it’s staying frugal and going for a hostel or splurging on a wellness retreat, the choice is yours. Train, plane or boat, you can cost everything out and make a decision. Becoming more invested in where your finances go, can also give greater awareness in the long-term to how you want to spend or save your money when you get back to the 9 to 5.

Improve Your Skills

You will have to hone your language skills as there is only you to count on. It is an opportunity to learn the local lingo to be able to get by on. But that can also lead to other upskilling, such as learning a new sport, investing time in voluntary work, or simply realizing what you’re good at.


One thing that will be boosted in a solo travel adventure is your mental health. You can reduce stress, tension and other negatives in your life by opting for a bit of space and investing in you. Becoming more resourceful, shrewd and resilient will also go a long way to building your confidence and help make you a happier person.

Andy Probert - The Wise TravellerAndy Probert is an experienced freelance business travel journalist and PR specialist.